The Colours Of The Rainbow
So damn sure
You wanna look kind
24 / 7 on my mind
All i ever wanted is to be with you
Making me feel so brand new
I thought i can love no more
One too many times before
Now every time i look up to the sky
I've got you on my mind
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you do
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you do
Over and over, just like you do
Over and over, just like you do
So damn sure
You wanna look kind
24 / 7 on my mind
All i ever wanted is to be with you
Making me feel so brand new
I thought i can love no more
One too many times before
Now every time i look up to the sky
I've got you on my mind
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you do
The colours of the rainbow shine so bright
Everytime i look into your eyes
Its the colours of the rainbow that feed my soul
Over and over, just like you
Over and over, just like you do
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